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rateksu tesuto :)))))) aka latex test Empty Re: rateksu tesuto :)))))) aka latex test

Bài gửi by haidang001 06/12/10, 04:36 pm

%Copyright (c) haidang001.
%Phone: (+84) 982 802 454
%S_have fun! :)

\author{Tran Van Sang}
\title{Bai thi Latex}
\part{Bai kiem tra Latex}

\chapter{Huong dan}
\section{Lam bai kiem tra nhu the nao}
Trong bai kiem tra nay, sinh vien phai tao ra file pdf giong nhu mau bang cach su dung latex. Dat ten bai lam la \textit{baithi}.
\item Sinh vien su dung loai tai lieu kieu 'book'
\item Dien ten day du vao muc author de ten xuat hien trong phan 'Ho va ten'
\item Su dung cac cau lenh phan chia van ban thanh cach phan
\item Su dung cac cau lenh tham chieu de tao cac tham chieu.
\item Su dung cac cau lenh tao muc luc va danh sach cac hinh.
\item Khong su dung cac lenh tao trang moi: \textbackslash newpage. Voi kieu tai lieu book cac trang se duoc tao ra tu dong.
\item Dung cau lenh \textbackslash usepackage\{hyperref\} trong phan preable de tao cac tham chieu dang lien ket.

\section{Nop bai}
Bai thi dai 90 phut. Khi lam xong bai, sinh vien nop bai cho giao vien. Sinh vien tao mot thu muc ten minh trong thu muc BaithiLatex tren may chu P813-svr.
Vi du sinh vien Nguyen Van Manh tao thu muc 'Nguyen Van Manh' tren may chi va ghi bai lam cua minh vao do. Yeu cau sinh vien phai nop cac file sau:
\item File source code Latex: .tex
\item Tat ca cac file anh can thiet de dich tai lieu
\item File pdf ket qua.

\part{Linux Operating System}

\chapter{Introduction to Linux}
\section{Lnux History}
\section{Installing Linux}

\chapter{Interaction with Linux}
\section{Basic commands on Linux}
\subsection{Understanding Linux commands}
\subsection{Commands on files and directories}
\subsection{Commands for compressing data}
\subsection{Commands for process management}

\chapter{File and directory system}

\subsection{Root directory}
\subsection{System directories}
\section{Permission on file and directory}
\subsection{Change permission on file and directory}
\textbf{Using hexa number}

\chapter{Cong thuc toan hoc}
\section{Giai phuong trinh bac 2}
De giai phuong trinh bac 2: \(a.x^2+b.x+c=0\), truoc het chung ta can tinh
\centerline{\(\Delta = b^2-4.a.c\)}
Tu do xac dinh ket qua:
\frac{-b\pm \sqrt{\Delta}}{2} & \textnormal{if} & \Delta \geq \\
\frac{b}{2} & \textnormal{if} & \Delta = 0 \\
\textnormal{Vo nghiem} & \textnormal{if} & \Delta \leq 0
\right .
\section{Tich phan}
\chapter{Tables and tabulars}
\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Huyet ap toi da} & \textbf{Huyet ap toi thieu} & \textbf{Nhip tim} \\ \hline \hline
10/10/2009 & 120 & 70 & 61 \\ \hline
11/10/2009 & 135 & 78 & \\ \hline
& & & \\ \hline
\caption{Theo doi huyet ap}

\chapter{Hinh anh}
\section{Chen hinh anh}
Su dung file shapes.pdf. Chen hinh nay vao trang nay sao cho hinh chiem 80\% chieu rong cua trang. Su dung tuy chon width=0.8\textbackslash textwidth
\caption{Chen hinh trong Latex}
\chapter{Tham chieu cheo}
Xem Bang \ref{bang} de biet mot vi du ve bang.


Tổng số bài gửi : 91
Points : 176
Join date : 25/09/2010
Age : 31

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rateksu tesuto :)))))) aka latex test Empty Re: rateksu tesuto :)))))) aka latex test

Bài gửi by haidang001 06/12/10, 04:45 pm

1. Tạo 1 thư mục tên của mình
2. Copy file shapes.pdf vào thư mục đó.
3. Tạo file "baithi.txt", copy code ở trên vào.
4. Đổi tên "baithi.txt" thành "baithi.tex"
S_have fun! So good

Tổng số bài gửi : 91
Points : 176
Join date : 25/09/2010
Age : 31

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